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Simple to do and keeps you warm and stylish!
Okay, so it's Christmas Day, and my Uncle surprised me with a new sewing machine. I was dying to try it out, and thought what better way to try it, than to make myself a christmas present!

It's so simple to do, but you'll need a fair bit of fabric!

Sorry there's no pictures! I didn't think of it to be honest! I'll put up some very very bad paint pictures though, just for laughs! They might be a little small, so click on them to look if you'd like!

Posted by CaptainDuckPants from Telford, England, United Kingdom • Published See CaptainDuckPants's 10 projects »
  • How to make a neck warmer. Simple Scarf - Step 1
    Step 1

    Lay your fabric out and measure how long you want it to be, then add a couple of inches for seam allowances. Mark this on your fabric. Next figure out how wide you want it to be. I went with about 12 inches, so double this and add two inches for the other side and seam allowance. Cut this out.

  • How to make a neck warmer. Simple Scarf - Step 2
    Step 2

    Next fold it in half lengthways, so what it should look like is about the size and shape you want it. Sew all the way around the bottom and the open side. Leave the top open. It should now basically be a big long tube.

  • How to make a neck warmer. Simple Scarf - Step 3
    Step 3

    Flip it the right way out, and tuck the top unstitched bit in. Topstitch all the way around the four sides.

  • Step 4

    If you want to add any more embellishments, now you can! I'm thinking of adding little pockets to the bottom to put my hands into! :)

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