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20 mins

Based on Ripped Scarf by moosie m.
I started out with another how to and a square/rectangle of pre cut pre tie dyed fabric. I folded it in half, I cut into the piece about an inch at equal points, ripped the remainder of the length and cut at the fold. So that left me with a bunch of strips, instead of loops. Then I chose 2 strips and cut an inch into them to make 2 strings at the ends. Then i knotted them together, and then I knotted an even number of strips to each side of the main knot. ==o==
Then i took an extra strip I had saved and used it to tie them all together at the ends. Make sure your knots are secure and cut off any extra long pieces. You could also use a t shirt or strips of old fabric scraps to get the same effect. This is my first try and I did it in 20 minutes, so it does look messy.

Posted by Aliboo. from U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, United States • Published See Aliboo.'s 7 projects »

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