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30 mins

make with photoshop of your own pictures an e-card
I always try to make a real xmas card and an e-card for those which i haven't the proper adresses but onlly an email adress to send a picture.
Making your own ecards is fun and not so difficult, though you need some knowledge of photoshop.
But if you know to use this programme it's an easy and fun job to do.
I thought mayby you like to have a tute to make your own as well

Only don't do this with your cats around your keybord, while you are working on it. give them first some food so they will left you alone.LOL
it have cost my much more time, because mine were making their own version by jumping on my keybord or just steped on some keys-aaargh.
i can sure you their version wasn't so great and fun.LOL

I wish you all, and specially all my friend from whom, i don't have the proper mailadress a happy fun fine aweseome new year with a lot of creativity and craftings.!!!;-D
thanks for hopping by;-D

Posted by Jet H. from Haarlem, North Holland, The Netherlands • Published See Jet H.'s 107 projects »
  • How to make an ecard. Make Your Own Ecards - Step 1
    Step 1

    Take a picture of something.

  • How to make an ecard. Make Your Own Ecards - Step 2
    Step 2

    open photoshop and choose your picture to open.
    Save the picture as save as....
    I always make at first an pds version that i can prind as well.
    In pds format you can use the layer function that you will use for this card.

    Now you must start to choose what you like of the picture on your canvas.
    choose out of the toolbar the Cut tool
    and drag with this tool the part of your picture you will use, and click on okay.
    saved this.

    Then adjust the size of your pixels for printing i use always 266 pixels/inches.
    and make the the sizes like a real pichture. and save this.15cm x 13cm.

  • How to make an ecard. Make Your Own Ecards - Step 3
    Step 3

    Make in the layers an copy of the first picture, you can klick on the real first one and drag them to the new layer sign button at the bottom of that window.
    I always add an new layer in between wich i give the name white because i coloured white;-D
    The new picture i always call him the workspace pict.

    Now you can make the pict some lighter and brither:
    make if it’s necessary him a little bit darker and brighter of a little but darker.
    Go to the mainbar and choose i
    images, adjustments. levels to make him lighter or darker.
    Making him brither:
    images, adjustment,brithness/contrast.

  • How to make an ecard. Make Your Own Ecards - Step 4
    Step 4

    making the borders,
    Make a new layer.
    with the marque tool in the toolbox you choise the quadrangle.
    with that tool you make rectangle shapes.
    full them with the bucket tool in the colour you like, I've the border isn't on the right place you can use the tool to m ove to put them in the right position

    for every new border take an new layer.
    after you have made all the border you will have something like this.

  • How to make an ecard. Make Your Own Ecards - Step 5
    Step 5

    Make a new layer.
    choose the font you like to use, i have chosen comic sans.
    click on the tool bar on the T and in the top of your screen you see next to the box with the T on the left side the box with all the fonds.
    choose the size you will need. i had used 8,8.
    choose the colour you will work with.
    and set the cursor on the place you will have the text.
    start to make typing the line.
    If he isn't on the right place you can move him to the right place by clickin on the move tool in the toolbar.

  • How to make an ecard. Make Your Own Ecards - Step 6
    Step 6

    make of the tekst layer a copy and make the colour a little bit darker.
    if you move this a little downstairs and to the left you see that this line makes a shadow

  • How to make an ecard. Make Your Own Ecards - Step 7
    Step 7

    make a copy of the layer with the light colour text.
    it's not neseccary but when you have made the transformation you don't can easely use the texst again.
    be sure your still in the text tool .
    In the main bar you see a T with a curve under neat it.
    click on it.

    Now you must click on the button no or choose the shape you like to become
    I took arch below.
    play with the bending and the horizontal disortion and vertical disortion
    to become the transformation in the text you like and then clickup OK.
    write down what you did !!!
    and do the same with the darker text layer.
    I used bend +b2
    disort horizontal = 0
    disort vertical = +12

    after all you will become something like the picture will show you;-D.

    I've you like this you can lock them togehter in the layer options and merge those layers down to one.

  • How to make an ecard. Make Your Own Ecards - Step 8
    Step 8

    Make a duplicate of your work. go to images-duplicate and click on the name window for okay.

    this new picture must be an flatten images before you make it in a jpg version
    Go to layers-flatten image and click.
    all the layers will be gone.
    Now you only have to save him as a jpg version.

    And at last change the image size.
    go to images-image size and change the resolution in 72 .pixels/inch.
    and Jipieeee you have made your own ecard.!!!! Yeaaaah now only send him to all your friends.

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Sheila Squirrel
Sheila Squirrel
Hi Jet, this still makes me smile every time I see it ;) Hope you can out and about soon xxx
PJ · Avondale, Arizona, US · 96 projects
so cute jet..I read your letter this morning, the bad weather is causing you all kinds of problems, and people are not always so nice..Hope you have a lovely crafty fun day..huggs xoxoxo

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