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Indoor Hopscotch

Extract from Little One-Yard Wonders • By Rebecca Yaker and Patricia Hoskins • Published by Storey


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Little One-Yard Wonders
Now kids can have the all the fun of playing hopscotch even on cold and rainy days — indoors! Use our diagram to draw the board, then use your favorite block font to make the number and letter templates. Do you have very active kids or slippery floors? Add the optional backing to ensure a non-slip project.

Finished dimensions — 42" × 15"

Seam allowance — G" unless
otherwise specified

Indoor Hopscotch - designed by Fiona Tully. Photo by (c) Julie Toy, illustration by Missy Shepler

Posted by Storey Publishing Published See Storey Publishing's 42 projects »
  • 103058_2F2014-07-07-162305-252_MissyShepler_IndoorHopscotch_LittleOYW.pdf-1.jpg 722 KB [ Download ]
  • 103058_2F2014-07-07-162505-338_MissyShepler_HopscotchPattern_LittleOYW.jpg 1.24 MB [ Download ]
© 2025 Rebecca Yaker / Storey · Reproduced with permission. · Photo by (c) Julie Toy, illustration by Missy Shepler
  • How to make a board game piece. Indoor Hopscotch - Step 1
    Step 1

    Measure, Mark, and Cut
    Fold your fabric in half across the width with the right sides together, aligning the cut edges. Using the template as a guide (fol- lowing the dimensions given), draw the game board with fabric marker or pencil, and cut:
    * Game board (cut 2)

    Using the fabric game boards as a template
    cut from batting:
    * Game board (cut 2)

  • Step 2

    Assemble the Hopscotch Course
    * Place the two batting layers together,
    then place the two fabric layers with right sides facing, aligning all raw edges. Pin in place, then stitch all around, leaving an opening at the bot- tom as indicated on the template.
    * Clip outside and inside corners and turn right side out. Use a turning tool to square off all corners. Press. Edgestitch all around, closing opening as you go.

  • Step 3

    Add the Ribbon
    Fold the hopscotch course in half lengthwise
    and press to mark a crease down the center. This marks the border between 2/3, 5/6, and 8/9 blocks. Measure around each square and cut lengths of rib- bon as needed. Topstitch to the hopscotch course to outline all squares, folding or mitering the ribbon at the corners. Use the photograph as your guide.

  • Step 4

    Make and Attach the Appliqués
    Using a bold graphic font, print out the numbers 1–9 and the letters for “home,” each approximately 3–4" tall. Cut the numbers and letters from the printer paper to use as pat- tern pieces. Press the fusible web onto the wrong side of the felt, following manufacturer’s instructions. Cut the pattern pieces out of the interfaced felt. Peel off the paper backing and press each felt appliqué to the center of its respective square. Edgestitch around each appliqué to secure.

  • Step 5

    Make and Attach the Non-Skid Backing (optional)
    Trace the completed hopscotch course onto the nonskid backing and cut out. Pin the backing to the bottom side of the hopscotch course, aligning all edges. A walking foot may help with this step. From the top side of the hopscotch course, stitch the back- ing to the fabric using a “stitch in the ditch” technique along the edgestitching.

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Steph. · Reading, England, GB · 212 projects
such a good idea! It would be awesome to do for my mum's school ^^

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