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A little 60's inspiration
I learned to play chess at a young age. A couple years back my mom got my a nice glass chess set, but the idea begin to set in and simmer that I wanted to create my own chess set, my own design. I had thought about different themes and ideas for some time, letting the ideas sit and slowly come to me. Over the summer I was living at a camp ground, seperated from regular internet, tv, and spending many evening using my hands to create things. The chess pieces began with some very rough sketches and brainstorming. If the theme was the 60s and hippies, then what would each position be? I sent text messages and called friends to get some ideas. It not only needed to be inspired by the hippy movement, but also something that I could hopefully make myself. (I rather new to working with clay.) I had some very interesting ideas... and may use those to eventually make a second, maybe for me or maybe for someone close to me. (I entered it in out County Fair Hobby Building and it took second place in it's catagory.)

The figures were all made from white sculpty clay while enjoying quiet evenings in the middle of nowhere with my toy dog somewhat ignoring me at teh foor of my bed. They were then baked in my toaster oven. Then painted over a couple of days. I was rather happy with my results.

Instead of the traditional black and white color scheme I went with a fire and water theme; mixing orange, yellow, and red mixed and swirled for fire; white, purple, and blue for water.

"Queen" - Hippy Mama
"King" - Hippy Papa with a peace sign shirt
"Bishop" - Shaman with long beard (I resisted pot leaves or a joint hanging out of his mouth)
"Knight" - my version of a a VW Bug
"Pawns" - doves
"Rook" - A giant mushroom

(The board I made recently out of styrofoam-like board we had leftover from something else.)

Posted by Gertie from U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, United States • Published See Gertie's 52 projects »


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Gertie · U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US · 52 projects
also posted on my craft blog... http://craftrebel.blogspot.com/
Gertie · U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US · 52 projects
acrylic and then spray acrylic sealer over everything
kw · Plano, Texas, US · 17 projects
What kind of paint did you use?

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