Easy to make bead and fabric necklace
This a gorgeous summery project, it requires not fastenings and all the materials are recycled. I wear my loads and always get so many compliments. Happy making! x
Key West Witch added Fabric And Bead Plaited Necklace to Jewelry 19 Mar 15:43
You Will Need
Step 1
Step 1. Cut 3 strips of fabric 1.5cm wide. Two in one colour fabric and one in the other.
Step 2. Tie your fabric to the beads and chain. You should have two strands with one piece of fabrics and two strands of beads and one strand with one piece of fabric and chain.
Step 3. Knot all three pieces together and plait.
Step 4. Keep plaiting for about 45cm or until you end of your beads. Tie another knot to close.
Step 5. Cut 2 pieces of fabric about 3cm wide and 50cm long. about 10cm from one end loop the fabric through the end of the plaited end and pull the ends through.
Step 6. Now add your brooch, I put mine just off centre but am planning to add a few more to the mix.