DIY post earrings in plum pattern
We select this diy post earrings project. Earrings are qualified and proper to be a kind of friends' gifts, as they are commonly used jewelry pieces, which won’t be watched today and forgotten tomorrow!
- Brandina S. favorited Diy Post Earrings In Plum Pattern 09 Feb 15:07
You Will Need
Step 2
Step 1: make earring dangle
1st, snip a piece of tiger tail wire and slide 3 pink beads &2 green bicone beads alternately;
2nd, cross wire through another green bicone bead and tighten wire; first petal is done;
3rd, add 1 pink to left end, 2 pink and 1 green to right end and cross both ends through another green bicone; second petal is done;