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My WIPs and cross-stitchy bits.
World Peace Angel (WIP). I've been working on her for two years, on and off (unfortunately with the amount of studying I do, it's mostly off). It's by Lavender and Lace but I've changed the background evenweave colour and some of the shades of her tunic.

Lavender bookmark for my mum (sorry about the crap photograph but I had a pants phone).

Footprints, a cross-stitch kit by Sunset. Done in a collaborative effort by my sister and I over six weeks for our nan for christmas (she did the text, I did the pic at the bottom).

That reminds me...I have at least seven other projects on the go and some others finished so I must take some piccies. 0_o

100 hours and counting...No idea how much time I actually spend while stitching lol

Updated pics: 25th wedding anniversary for my mum and dad in 2007.

30th wedding anniversary pic for mum and dad. Last one I made since we lost dad in Feb 2009 to prostate cancer.

First ever cross-stitch I made...can't even remember the date now lol

Spirit of Illusion, stitched for my mum's 50th birthday a few years ago.

Posted by IceDragon from Lowestoft, England, United Kingdom • Published See IceDragon's 3 projects »

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