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My first hand at boning, and something Ive wanted to make for a long time!
For Halloween 3 of my friends and I are going to be a circus, Im going to be an acrobat/hoop girl. I designed this outfit, drafted patterns from my measurements, and made them all myself. Im also making my friend's costume from a design by me, and helping alter some things for my two other friends.

The top is a boned (my first time using boning!!) corset top with a lace up back that was originally snap tape. the snap tape proved to be too weak for some hooping movements, so I added buttonholes and some ribbon and bound the ugly edges that I cut the tape from. The back still isnt as pretty as Id like... But anyway.

The shorts are just Lycra, I traced some shorts I already have and then added the high waist. I added the ruffles for a more textural circusy look.

I also am wearing my mini top hat that I made for a new years event. Sorry for awkward paint-edited photos, enjoy!

Posted by Calla K. from Austin, Texas, United States • Published See Calla K.'s 3 projects »


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Felecity W.
Felecity W. · U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US · 86 projects
Cool, you should get some funky striped thigh/knee highs!

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