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I made these last easter weekend they turned out delicious!
I made these mini Carrot cupcakes last easter weekend, I made the cupcake mix as written on the box. I only added the shredded carrots to the mixture and some orange food coloring drops to enhance the carrot color a bit. The lime green Icing is made of Mascarpone, buttercream mix powder, juice of 1 squeezed lemon and icing sugar, I always cook by tasting it, so you have to taste while adding the sugar, I didn't really measured it, after mixing it together I added a few drops of green food coloring to give it a nice lime green color. Unfortunately I forgot that fondant will sweat in the frigde, so next time I wil put the fondant carrots on the cupcakes when I serve them instead of the night before!

Posted by Ida Ilona van Toor from Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands • Published See Ida Ilona van Toor's 22 projects »


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