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Delicious homemade biscotti that taste just like the ones I had in Italy
I might have mentioned on here, once or twice, that I went to Italy in June. It was a magical experience filled with magical food. Especially in Florence. Did I mention how amazing Florence was? I think I might have. A local specialty in Florence are these amazing tiny biscotti called cantucci made with almonds and served with vin santo. They’re basically the desert of choice from what I could tell, well that and panna cotta, and you can find them almost anywhere. They’re also totally bloody delicious and I’m so glad (and scared) that I’ve learned how to make them at home.

Posted by MagicalGirlMaya from Dallas, Texas, United States • Published See MagicalGirlMaya's 206 projects »
  • How to bake biscotti. Almond Biscotti  - Step 1
    Step 1

    Preheat your oven to 350F, then in a large bowl whisk all but one cup of your flour and baking powder together. In a separate bowl whisk your eggs, sugar, vanilla, honey, almonds and salt. Gradually add your dry to your wet until you get the unholy sticky mess pictured here. Pour out onto a floured surface and work in as much of the last cup of flour as you need. Then roll into a ball, cover in cling film and refrigerate for 30-60 minutes.

  • How to bake biscotti. Almond Biscotti  - Step 2
    Step 2

    Once your dough has chilled roll it out again onto a lightly floured worksurface and cut into three equal pieces. Roll each piece into a log and set onto a lined baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes.

  • How to bake biscotti. Almond Biscotti  - Step 3
    Step 3

    Once your logs are done, taking them out of the oven, turn the oven off and allow to cool for 10-15 minutes. Once they’re cooled slice them up, place them back onto the lined cookie sheet and allow to sit in the cooling oven for 30 minutes.

    For more info: https://theyearlingblog.wordpress.com/2015/07/27/day-208-almond-biscotti/

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