How to swap?

This might sound silly but im new to this website and ''Swaps'' sounded intresting to me but i know nothing on how a swap works.

Here are some of my questions!

what do you swap?
How do you arange swaps?
how much time dose it take ?
what are the hard part about swaping?

sorry if these questions sound a bit stupid but i have no clue , and i really would like to have a swap! thanks

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3 replies since 7th July 2008 • Last reply 7th July 2008

You swap anything you like! People decide. Since this is a craft website, most people here swap things they've crafted for one another, but we also swap clothes and sweets!

We just pack stuff up in boxes carefully and post it to one another! It often works out quite expensive if the partner is on the opposite side of the world, but we're the generous sort.

Arranging a swap is quite simple, it's just asking people if they'd be interested, collecting their names and partnering people up and hoping for the best. It gets tricky when people don't send things or emails get lost in cyberspace...

Time depends on how involved you want to be. If you're the swap organiser it only takes about ten minutes more than if you're just involved, unless you really want to be involved and make sure everyone's doing their things ok and stuff, but the swaps I've organised are quite independent.

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Thanks ,Happy

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oh! thanks for posting up this question.. These ques had been running on my mind too Happy

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