Gifts for guys

Ok so i have alot of guy friends and i have NO IDEA what to get them for christmas!! i have a little money .....i also need ideas for my brothers and my dad

Does any one have any ideas?

if u need any more information just ask!

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7 replies since 30th November 2011 • Last reply 30th November 2011

check out the previous threads on this topic- there are only about 50 of them.

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i have looked at thoughs and i cant find any thing i can get........

my brother is turning 15 soon and my other brother is turning 19

my friends are about my age witch is 13

PS one of the guys im geting a gift is one of my bestist friends in the world and i want to get him some thing he can keep (maybe some thing with are picture?)

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Make stuff.

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I made these personalized 'car dice' for my brother (whos 18) for christmas (he loves his car). I personalized them by turning one dice into pics of things he likes, like his girlfriends name & a xbox controller. It cost me about $2 in felt.
Theyre in my projects if u want to check them out.

Guys also like t-shirts or merch of their favorite things or bands. (for cheaper shirts, try ebay) I gave my guy friend an AFI band-t for christmas, and he thankd me for 2 months. lol XD

If that all fails ...Bake Them Cookies. lol (or cake Pops) Feeding them is fool-proof. ;)

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OH thats grate ideas FOOD! all guys like food!!!!!!!!!!! Happy

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We do like food. And despite poular bielefe we like home made stuff especially from great friends

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