craft for a 15 hour flight

I'm traveling alone on a 15 hour flight. This will be the long haul before another 5 hour flight... with all the flight restrictions on carry on stuff and different countries/airlines have different rules I need to find something safe that will take hours to complete! any ideas will be appreciated.

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6 replies since 10th July 2010 • Last reply 10th July 2010

Are you allowed to take sewing needles or crochet/knitting needles? I'd say anything involving scissors is probably out as they could be considered a weapon. Hmmm this is a toughie! Embroidery would be a good one to do if you're able to take an embroidery needle on the flight.

I made a picture by cutting pieces of paper to make the image (you could tear the paper). It took me 6 hours to complete. It was a picture of Tardis and had many little details so that's why it took so long. Here is a link (the pic is a little fuzzy, but you get the idea) But you would need glue for this one and I know that airlines also have restrictions on liquids and what kind of bottles you can bring with you so you'd have to check beforehand. Terrorists have just ruined crafting while flying! lol

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I would crochet if your allowed to take a crochet hook with you.Or maybe make some friendship bracelets?

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You definitely can't take an embroidery needle on a plane, and I'm not sure if you could take a crochet hook or knitting needles, they can be quite harsh. Glue should be alright, if it's in a clear bottle under 100ml as they have a little device to test what's in the bottle. Mind you, maybe glue's not allowed - the airline's website should tell you. i think you might be stuck with a colouring book and wax crayons!

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ooh, how about origami?

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I don't know if you can bring these on, but what about those like, plastic, blunt tapestry needles you use for sewing in ends on knitting? You could recycle some sweaters and cut them into shape before you go and make some plushies or a pillow (would be a good canvas for embroidery). If you're allowed to bring jump rings and chains to make bracelets or other jewelry. I've found that I can pull the bigger jump rings apart with my fingers, so there would be no need for pliers. You could just pre-cut the chains before you go. You could also try finger knitting a scarf, but I don't think that would take very much time, unless you made a bunch. And I've never weaved before, but maybe there's a way to do it without like, sharp objects? You could always browse Klutz books to see if there are any that interest you. Sure, they're kids crafts, but they're crafts nonetheless, and there's probably more advanced stuff you can make, so it could help.

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These wouldn't entertain you for 15 hours, but they are pretty time consuming: Mandala Coloring books! And the geometric ones. You can find them for reasonable prices from Dover books and Amazon and such. Here's a few:

Hope I helped! Happy

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