Find a pattern... challenge!

120 replies since 11th November 2008 • Last reply 11th November 2008

Okay here is a Greatful Dead Dancing bears pattern wow that was hard!

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what? That was hard?! I looked this up to see how hard it was and stuff I could do, and it was the first link that came up! lol. Maybe you just searched with different terms or something.

and tara! lol You didn't put something to find! you crazy crazy girl!


Look up a dinosaur scarf pattern. Happy

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I keep forgetting to do that don't I. I was being a turn and being sarcastic. LOL It was the first thing on there. I was hoping for a doll though. like a felt one. THAT would be cool.

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Ok so I found two dinosaur scarf patterns after a bit of hunting... one unfortunately was NOT free but it was REALLY freakin' cool so I'm sharing anyway;
The other is really cute cuz it's for babies but... it goes with a hat which is really what makes it dinosaur;

And I did tara's too;
How about a VINTAGE felt doll pattern? ;)


OK people...this time we're lookin' for a pattern for a funky, easy or beginner, crochet skirt...

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I don't really know what is beginners for crochet, so I will post different ones.

Super Cute Skirt

Sleasy Dress ( I can crochet but don't know how to follow patterns wish I did for this one.)

Mini Skirt

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oh Darn forgot to say what the next one is. Teheheheh.

So, since I'm preggo, I would like to you to find a super cool baby clothing pattern, as easy as possible. (=

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anyway, be-beh clothing... hmmm

incredibly cute baby clothes Happy I like the pants with the duckies Happy

SOOO, find me a skull pattern. preferably a scarf or hat.

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ta da! a skull scarf Happy
I really wish that I was a better knitter.

um... I would like a pattern for anything monkey-related Happy

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Find me a pattern for mittens with hearts on!

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These are too cute for words..

Find me a pattern for a little girl's winter dress.

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i could NOT find that mama zoe : Jeez it hates me

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This game looks fun Happy

ummm... I want a pattern for a sweater in the afgan stitch/tunisian crochet style.

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lol that's ok Dis ;)

This game IS fun *grins*...
Here's a link for you;
The first link...
the last "sweater" link in that section is apparently a "fake" afghan stitch? whatever that means.
I'd have given the direct link but there was also a preemie/newborn sweater in that stitch at the top of that page, so scroll up if you're interested. Happy

Ok... let's try another one, sorry that last one was so hard... LOL

Find me a pattern for a crochet necklace (extra points if it includes beads of some sort Happy

P.S. Feel free to just call me Zoe for short, guys. Happy Everyone even IRL calls me Zoe.

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This one doesn't have beads but it's a cool use for all that beach glass i have lying around!

I also had to include this, it's a bracelet but it's SO COOL.

I amigurumi fruit.

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oooh I love those necklaces!... and the bracelet is awesomeeee love 'em!

here's some cute amigurumi fruits!

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