New Business Name Ideas pleaaaseee!!

Hi all,
I am looking to start my little home based business based on handmade crafts and decorations. However I cannot come up with a name for it.
Can anyone help me? All ideas are welcome. Happy

Thank you in advance x Happy

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4 replies since 27th October 2016 • Last reply 13th November 2016

What types of crafts and decorations do you make?

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Hiya, going to make all sorts. housing decoration such candles frames etc, kids room items (personalised too), memory boxes etc that sort of stuff, there are loads Happy would you like me to send you a few pics?

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Yes, please do send me a message with a few pictures of what you do. I'd love to see them and will be brainstorming some ideas for names for you.

Here's one quick idea from your post of what you make--- Making Memories Handmade

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How about:

Integral Design
Less Is More
Kickass Knicknacks
Homespun Homewares
Accent Interiors
Interiary Decor
Much Roomy

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