Image posting on boards

Welll, i wanted to add a saved image to a comment on a board topic, and i couldnt.
How can i???

a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG cyber hug for the helpyperson\helpgiver/megahelpfulishpeoplz

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4 replies since 13th July 2009 • Last reply 13th July 2009

Sugar helped me out with this one. You need to sign up with someone like Photo Bucket (which is what she suggested and I signed up to). You then upload your pics with them and then go to where it says share, and look down to where it says forums and copy the code. It will start and end in IMG.
You then copy that code, cross your fingers and continue adding any text, as if there is a picture there and save. When you save your pictures will appear, just like magic Happy

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when i had probs doin it on here it was coz of the img bit not bein in brackets (i think!)

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oh wow thats cool ddi knw you could post pics in boards!!!

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Yeah, I think most of us use photobucket to post images on the boards.

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