Coping with Body Image

Never before in my life have I had confidence issues or major problems with body image. But suddenly I just can't stop thinking about my weight. I know that I am slightly above average weight for my age and size, but in no way am I drastically overweight either. All of a sudden, I can't look in a mirror without thinking about my weight or put on a pair of pants without worrying how I look in them. I feel guilty whenever I indulge on any food that is mildly unhealthy, and I spend such a long time each morning trying to pick an outfit that I feel remotely skinny in. I have no idea when or why this started happening, but I would like to quit the negative body talk altogether. Has anyone else ever struggled with anything similar or have advice/encouragement?

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5 replies since 12th February 2013 • Last reply 12th February 2013

This article was really heartwarming:

As someone who's active in women's study and feminism, I'm always trying to get all the girls I know to understand that they're beautiful whether they're short, tall, thin, or thick. Plus, being a "fat" girl myself, I've been subject to all the nastinesses of life, and just recently learned how to shrug them off.

As far as clothes, it's always about making clothes fit YOU and not the other way around. Sewing is really liberating because you can make something that will hug you in all the right places. I make all my skirts with elastic bands because I have ovarian cyst issues that tend to make me bloat a lot, and pressure hurts them, so the flexible clothing size helps.

You need to remind yourself that no matter what, you're pretty, and you look awesome. The more you tell yourself that, the more you'll believe it. Happy

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I can relate. I have hypothyroidism and gained 50lbs. In 3 months! I know it is the disease that caused my weight gain, but that doesn't change that it is there. I constantly struggle with clothes because I can't figure out how to dress myself (in the sense that I can't figure out my sizes and what looks good). I ended up in a different body than how I feel. A big bummer. BUT! I try to remember (as cliché as it sounds) "The people who care don't matter and the people that matter don't care (about the way we look)." =^_^= You have to be happy with yourself. Easier said than done, I know. I found focusing on the things I like about myself helped a lot. Example: I love my eyes, my hair, etc. Fousing on these takes some of the focus off the negative. Acknowledge that the negative is there, but realize there's a balance, meaning there has to be good too. I am a big believer in Yin and Yang. <3

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I know exactly what you mean I'm starting to work myself out of that situation and it's not an easy journey but when you manage to get there it's amazing. Something that helped me a lot was being around people and things that will constantly reaffirm the idea that you are beautiful till you're strong enough to remind yourself and actually believe it. One of my biggest inspirations is Tess Munster:

She's a plus size model and beautiful person inside and out. She wears clothing I'd be terrified to and in a public space making no apology for it. She's so confident and that's something that's attainable for everyone and that alone picks me up.

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Thank you all so much for your kind support and advice. I'm going to do my best to focus on what I love about myself each day.

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I think your main concern should just be being healthy.

If you're feeling uncomfortable then do something about it, eat a little better or get out and be active but there's no point in obsessing and not doing anything which isn't good for you mentally or physically.

I think it's important to be happy with yourself... and not just except but also celebrate the things you can't change - the things that make you, you. But weight isn't something that you're stuck with... it might be more work for some then others but if it's what you need to change to be healthier and happier, why not? I will never have a thin frame or a fast metabolism (which blows) but I can control what I eat and how often go for a run and in the end it helps my self esteem and my energy.

I don't think you should be so hard on yourself - at the moment I'm struggling a little myself but I try to take it one days at a time. Eat a little better, if you slip and give in to junk food it doesn't do any good to feel guilty - go hit the gym to make up for it. Also, dress the body you have now the best you possibly can instead of obsessing over the one you want and I promise you'll look just as beautiful.

If this doesn't sound like you, if you're honestly at a good weight and just being self conscious then stop listening to that negative voice in your head understand every person is insecure, jealous or wishful over some part of their body. You are your own worst critique....

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