What's making you mad?

328 replies since 26th March 2007 • Last reply 26th March 2007

I tihnk I pretty much went the whole summer without shaving my legs. I even went on a trip with my college to Rome and not even the prettiest and shallowest girls there seemed to notice.

I think girls with hairy armpits is a good look. I just don't have the guts...

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I have really severe - deadly, in fact - food allergies. I've just found out that I can't attend an upcoming con because they *refuse* to treat allergies as a legitimate disability (despite the ADA precedent) and so will be serving nuts everywhere.

The icing on the cake? They DO accomodate "chemical sensitivities" (and pretty much every other goddamn thing) and ask attendees to avoid wearing scents in public areas. And they make a HUGE deal about being inclusive and about social as well as physical access.

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Eughh no arm pit hair even on guys is just eughh lol Especially when it's all sweaty haha

Rachel e, that sucks. I would think though, that it is really hard to make 100% sure that food hasn't touched nuts(if that's your allergy) My cousin is deathly allergic too and I know how hard it is for her to get by.
How can they police something like banning wearing chemicals?

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my boyfriends just had a go at me!

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well I think that was tmi..

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what I said? why? i meant he just got a bit erm annoyed at me for not much of a reason.

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what was? you oughta get quotes on this board.

at the moment i'm mad at everything but right now i'm feeling sorry for myself that my parents don't make me feel welcome in this house. they're all planning to move up to lincoln as soon as i move out which makes me feel really pressured to move out. what if i don't get into uni? what if i can't handle uni and have to drop out? i'm not moving to lincoln too! (if anybody lives in lincoln, no offence. i just want to go live in a city. i've lived in swindon all my life and moving to a little village in lincoln does NOT appeal.)

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Oh I was thinking something else, like the opposite of that and really dirty. haha you have to admit it sounded like that

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Roma, i told understand the moving out thing! Though mine is a bit differnet, i love the small town i live in and at the end up June my parents want to move to one of the large cities, but I'm not going to move with them as i hate large cities as i need my space from people (have in issue with people who i don't trust or know touching me or being with in a certain area around me) but now because i live part time with my boyfriend they keep asking "When are you going to entirely move out?" "How Much longer until that room is empty of yours" makes me feel like the don't want me anymore Happy

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Chelsea K said "you have to admit it sounded like that"

No, I won't admit it... because it didn't! Maybe in America 'had a go at...' means something different to in the UK.

Jasmin that sounds horrible! Are you going to move out for make-up school?

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Sorry us Americans are disgusting sometimes. Just the way we are, any where here that sentenced would be perceived as what I thought..so damn my american upbringing

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yeh I knew straight away you didn't get the slangy thing but thats fine.

Uni isn't hard until you get into the third year, you're hardly in most of the time. And all you need for an interview is a good portfolio and that you're able to talk about your work like if they ask you 'whats the worst peice of work you have' dont say 'the worst bit of work' say 'the least successful' they test you all the time in these things.

I want someone to count how many times jk rowling has written 'recognised it at once' in HP it buuuuuuuuuugs me.

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Ya, but I'm also moving out before than (as me and my sister get along worse than cat and dogs), but i would like it if the sounded a bit more depressed about me moving. I know they can downsize into a small house if i move, but still. Happy *sighs* what can you do?

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We've kinda drifted off the subject now, but this will make you all feel sorry for me (bwahaha)

I had this boyfriend (he was an arsehole, later left me for my best friend) and when we were at this theme park he squeezed my bum and went "Your arse is great" and I was like "Uh, okay, why?" and he said "'Cause it's so big!"

evil man =( he was always telling me to lose weight and if I was hungry round his house he wouldn't let me eat anything. Probably why he ran off with my stick thin friend!

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Guys like curvy bums though Happy

That is evil he was telling you to loose weight though Happy

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