Candy Corn!??

I'm from England and I have no idea what candy corn is! I guess its only popular in the US? What is it?!

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7 replies since 3rd January 2011 • Last reply 3rd January 2011

it's this gross candy that tastes like chalk, and comes in the shape of a cone. It's three different colors orange, yellow, and white. It only comes out in the fall around halloween.

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She’s right about the colors and shape ,but I guess it depends on your taste. I like candy corn.

Here’s a recipe if you want to try it yourself or don’t want to buy it online. I never made it ,but the reviews looked good.

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I used to really LOVE candy corn. As I started eating healthier and cutting out sugar my taste buds have changed. Now I can only handle a handful if I really want to. Candy corn is FULL of corn syrup in case your wondering. The texture is's sortof like store bought fudge, just a little harder.
Here's a picture though...I think it's cute.

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I don't think it tastes like chalk at all! It's very sweet and all sugary. Its a total family favorite here. Happy

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yum... You definitely need to try it!

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I miss candy corn. I'm a vegetarian and I don't eat anything with gelatin. Most candy makers will make their candy corn with gelatin. I have to look really hard for it without gelatin, but thanks to you guys, I know I can make it myself now! <3

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oooooh thanks guys! now i know what it is! ;D

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