To those of you in snowy countries!!

You might have heard that the UK has had quite a bit of snow recently, the worst in 17 years or something. There was about 2 feet of it on our wall the last time we measured it. So the countries gone into a bit of a panic - there was no bread at all the last time i went to the shop - how much bread do people actually need??
Anyways, what do you guys who live in snowy countries do - so whenever it snows the country doesn't go into mass panic-buying mode?

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13 replies since 4th December 2010 • Last reply 4th December 2010

Wow where about are you? I know it was quite bad in Nottinghamshire where my sister is and yeah people did panic buy -- hhmm...

But here in North London, and probably most of London in general, we didn't have that much snow. All the snow has gone and it's mostly bits and pieces of ice patches.

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As a Brit living near Seattle USA I understand what your saying We have the threat of extreme weather,tsumani and volcanic/earthquake activity.
Last week we had 8 inches of snow.We were the only house in our street could drive as we had chains for our truck.
The state advised that we have three days supply of food, water and medication.We also make a plan for loss of power.Most people have a pack in their car in the winter including water,food,a blanket and chains.
I always keep yeast and two bags of flour in the house and bread in the freezer.
There was a run on snowshovels before the storm but bread didn't seem to be an issue.

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Moderate: Hide this post Mark as Spam my parents and sis are in Essex and they've had 14 inches !

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I couldn't get out of my house for a couple of days. I'm in northern England. It was up to my knees....yep I'm small but it was still bad. Managed to get basics and there was no panic buying where I live....except the porridge was down to the last box on the shelf at our local store.....guess who had some for breakfast....Lol
England seems to come to a standstill when the weather gets bad. I always have candles ready and know where my extra blankets are. I used to live in the countryside where our electricity went off for 5 days at a time. We had a generator, gas bottle stove and a wood burning stove for cooking and heating. It's harder now we are connected to the main grids and dependant on suppliers. How wierd is that ;D

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I've been snowed in for a few days too, as I live in a rural area in Scotland although the road is open now.
The worse thing is that whenever we get a lot of snow, we always get power cuts, and when we get heavy rain or a big thaw, our phone lines go off too as they are underground and get flooded.
I have coal fires, a good stock of coal and logs, candles, small calor gas stove, and a petrol powered generator.
I also have a good stock of flour, yeast, eggs and other baking supplies etc, and as long as the power is still on I can make my own bread, scones and cakes. I keep the freezer well stocked at this time of year, and a good supply of long life milk.
So i can usually go at least two weeks without going to shops, and I must secretly admit that I quite like being snowed in!!!

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i'm in N Wales and we had snow for 1 day! then it froze and didn't melt for like days!!only just melted last night. i dint leave the housefor a few days thoug cuz it waslike an icerinkoutside and didn't want any cars ploughing in to my daughter in the pram Happy x

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lol my friend who lives near Sheffield told me about all the snow they were getting hit with. He laughed because it wasn't as bad as what I get here in Nebraska and I laughed because we haven't even gotten an inch of snow yet this year. And what little snow we have gotten has all melted the next day.

Of course, coming from a part of the country where freak blizzards in October have been known to happen, I have to say, we mostly all live prepared for bad weather. Just about everyone has a basement pantery in case of a tornado or a blizzard. Everyone has a garage freezer that's stocked up in case of emergency and so there is very little mass panic purchasing.

Of course last year we had about 7-8 feet of snow and snow blowers were on back order and everyone was rushing out to get snow rakes to get the snow off of roofs before the caved in. I managed to miss a lot of that because I was down south in a part of the country where people didn't even know what a snow blower was (my boyfriend and I had a lot of fun laughing about that).

People used to all have heater blankets here until they started catching on fire.

Snow doesn't stop the majority of people here though. I went to work last year in the middle of a blizard (my bosses were laughing because they had to go in and they were betting which of us supervisors would show up for work that day and they all knew I would come in.) Of course a lot of places close early when there is a blizard for safety reasons and they let anyone who uses the public transit or has kids leave right away. 2 feet of snow wouldn't stop a lot of people here from going about their daily buisness though.

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I live in Canada, we are used to snow, although I think the UK got all of ours

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When the snow gets bad, like, 6 inches or more, people will freak. Mostly because Indiana doesn't get vast amounts of snow at a time. The thing we worry about it when the snow falls, then it gets so cold that it freezes before it can be plowed, making the streets horribly dangerous.

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@Nora....I like being snowed in too. There's nothing quite like a cuppa with hot buttered toast by an open fire when it's cold outside. I had to miss my hydrotherapy because of the snow....made up for it with a long soak in a bubble bath ;)
I caught up with a bit of my knitting too in peace and quiet. could be right about the UK getting your snow...well mostly the North of England.

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I have heard, wheres my snow at, mother nature

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yay we're in the middle of a blizzard right now!

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I love snow and I love having a couple feet of it in the winter. We never have to worry about running out of food in case of emergency... We always keep our pantry stocked with all kinds of canned foods and we have about 10 cases of water and other things.

I live in Canada and we usually get a lot of snow but this year we only got 6 inches and right now it's raining!! All my beautiful snow is getting washed away. It looks like spring out there Happy Our weather has been crazy! Yesterday we were at -17 and today we're at 3!! That's a 20 degree difference! Over two days!

I'm hoping to get at least 6 feet this year but I don't think it will happen... Too bad.

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