Harry Potter 7 Trailer!!!

Heyyyyyy, I can't believe nobody has posted this yet! The trailer for the 2-part HP7 movie is out! Here is the link:


Check it out and discuss!! :-D

Personally, I am freaking out with excitement. Does anyone know if the November 19 release date (for part one) is only for USA/UK, or for all countries?

I've already told Shlomi that I will kill him if I don't have tickets for that very first showing at midnight, lol. :-D

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5 replies since 30th June 2010 • Last reply 30th June 2010

Me and my friends always go to the midnight harry potter showings my pro pic is last years half blood prince midnight premier. I seen the trailer the other day and I can not wait till november! Even if i have class the next morning I will be seeing the next one at midnight. Only 4 months away lol.

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sorry in advance for excessive usage of caps lock, but OHMGOD SO EXCITED IT'S GONNA BE SO GOOD AND I'M GOING TO SEE IT AT MIDNIGHT AND AHHHHHH SO EXCITED!


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OMG I can't wait!!! I love Harry Potter, been waiting forever for the new one. It looks really good!

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I can't wait for this! My family always gets midnight tickets in advance! *squeals* I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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