
I am new here and just wanted to say hello! Happy
I love this site and love looking through everyones crafts. I am learning to sew, I got a sewing machine for Mother's Day and have lots of plans for it Happy
Thanks for the inspiration!! Happy

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6 replies since 18th May 2010 • Last reply 18th May 2010

Hi Kayla, welcome aboard! You'll find lots of inspriation here, and meet loads of lovely people from all over the world.

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Hi! thanks, i am looking forward to it all Happy

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welcome welcome welcome! co+k keep is a wonderful crafty community and I hope you enjoy it as much as i do Happy

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Heeeeeeeeeeeey welcome to CO+K this website gets loads better now you're a member, I think the CO+K community is wonderful!!

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I'm kind of new too! But I'm on here like EVERY day! Sometimes I get lost for hours just browsing through. I keep adding to my to-do list, but I'm too busy adding to actually DO anything!

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Guilty! I'm new as well and I'm on here every day too! (it's my homepage =3) There are many nice people on here and a few jerks as well. But hey! What site doesn't?

@Kayla, You have the same name as my third cat. lol

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