Get Well Tara! Hurry back!

24 replies since 19th February 2009 • Last reply 19th February 2009

YAYS! Happy

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It's good to hear that sug!

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Glad to hear that, I hope everything goes well.

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Hey Tara!!!!

I do hope you get well soon!!!

Big hugs and kisses.

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Get well soon Tara Happy

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thats amazing how they can operate even though there's a baby in the way!!

So glad Tara and baby are ok though *positve vibes for recovery*

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Thankyou guys! Love ya.

Finally back just about an hour ago. I feel much better. I just have to take it easy just walking around a store is a little too much for me right now. Feels fine when I'm doing it but later on ouch! And let me tell you no fun having a baby kick you where you hurt! LOL. But me and him are doing awsome.

Thanks again for the love. (=

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Happy get better, speedy recovery

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Silly baby. Lol Happy

yeah, i thought that would be painful having you're appendex removed while pregant. Not the best timing i say.

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No its not, but its like this nurse told me you only have to have your appendix out once. (=

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