what's your favourite thing to do when you're home alone?

I have to admit, that as soon as everyone leaves the house I put the stereo on nice & loud [as it should be] and proceed to dance around singing as if I'm up on stage in front of hundreds of adoring fans. haha

what do you do??

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12 replies since 10th October 2008 • Last reply 10th October 2008

I sleep! It is VERY rare that I'm at home and my daughter isn't =)

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I run about singing and stuff too! Tonight I had a load of crisps and an alchopop and acted silly, not that much fun when no ones home really!

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I take a nap, and do whatever else I can't normally do when the kids are here.

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it is very rare to have no kids with me so when I do have time for myself I do some major cleaning and take out the messy type of stuff for crafting Happy

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I read, watch movies, nap

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I listen to really bad 80's music and sing very loudly. My neighbours must hate me but it's my alone-time fun :p

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I normally just sit in front of the TV with my laptop. My mum's like "You can't do both at the same time", so whenever she's out that's what I do haha.
I'm quite lucky in that it's only me and my mum living here, so I get the house to myself quite often.

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hmm, i don't know.
i really don't do anything i wouldn't do when there are people home Tongue
but, you would probably find me either playing a video game, on the computer doing whatever, watching tv [as there's always someone hogging it], daydreaming, drawing, reading, thinking, or sleeping...
as those are the things i do most.

and lola, i love "really bad" 80's music. xD
there's just something about it.

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haha, I also have a love for really bad 80's music! Happy

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I sing really good 1940s music. And I sing it REALLY WELL. or that's how it seems anyway. Haaaa.

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I put on Amanda Palmer at full blast, pretend I'm at the gig and dance/sing like a complete loser. And talk to the cat

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I love big band Roma, I do the jive.

When I am alone, I like to watch Korean tvshows

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