Buying Felt in UK


Just wondering if anyone had any good suggestions where i could buy felt. at the moment i've just been buying 4.5" square bundles off ebay, but then i end up with loads of colours i don't need and have to buy more of a certain other colour.

Any suggestions? the main colours that i seem to get through are skin colours and blacks.

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12 replies since 10th April 2013 • Last reply 10th April 2013

Check out online retailers. Dedicated craft stores will probably have much larger sheets available and possibly for cheaper.

I know in the US that 9x12 felt sheets are usually pretty cheap; around where I live, that size of sheet is typically 30-90 cents.

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Do you have a hobbycraft nearby. They're usually pretty good for that sort of thing, although I always have to be careful I don't overspend. I also buy fleece scarfs from the £1 or 99p shops and use those for felt projects. Its not quite the same as felt is close enough for most projects. I also have a fabric stall on my local market so sometimes get felt there. I wouldn't recommend Wilcos though as the felt they sell in packs is not very good for sewing. Its a bit cheap and not very good quality. The other option I can think of is Fred Aldous as they sell stuff online -

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The Range is another option if you have one nearby.
My local Fabricland also sells sheets of it - with some of the 'big' colours by the metre (red, white, etc)
Maybe hunt down local fabric shops?

Has anyone noticed the link between garden centres and craft supplies? There's a couple in this area with quilting shops attached and the big Cadbury near me is my local craft shop!

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monika, i've been looking online, but most places i find seem to be foreign, or else small squares for high prices. maybe i'm just looking in the wrong place.

arty kitkat, there's a hobbycraft nearby, i haven't looked for felt in there before and that was going to be one of my options over the weekend unless i found anything online before. i'll maybe try there first, in case. i was looking at some kids packs of felt in tesco, but there wasn't really much choice on colour. :/

julie, i'm gonna have to wait until pay day next week before i can hit the fabric stores. we have a remnants king and a few other places in the city centre and i'm planning to head over there when i get chance.

thanks guys.

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Fred Aldous is definitely a UK website - I think its based in Manchester. They do loads of different coloured felt and start from 45p. The only issue I have buying online is that you end up paying postage which can add up to a big part of the cost if you're only buying a low cost items.

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yea, that's my problem. and kind of mainly why i asked the question because in some cases postage is almost double the price of the piece of felt i need!

i'm going over to hobbycraft on saturday so i'll have a look and see what i can find in there. i ordered 1x1.5m of beige coloured felt on ebay for fairly cheap the other day, so i guess if that seller has different colours they're one to stick with, too!

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I'm obsessed and my new option for everything is swapping!!!! LOL
So many Dollars worth of items for so many dollars/ euros worth of items... that each is having trouble finding! GRAND IDEA! (for me) ;)

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hehehe. i don't really know any friends that use felt and stuff. or really have anything that i could swap! i tend to just buy what i need Tongue

i found someone one ebay that is selling packs of 5 slightly more than a4 sheets of felt for £1 with £1.50 first class postage though, so i've added them as a favourite. they have most of the colours i'd need. Happy

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i get mine from the range mostly but i tend to use wroving wool and do wet felting. I also know of a scrap place near church stretton in shropshire if your ever down this way that may do felt for cheap

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I tend to get mine from either a small local craft shop that has it on a roll so I can buy by the metre or just get an A4 sheet of it. Maybe some local craft or sewing shops will have something. Sometimes they can be cheaper than big shops like hobbycraft & sometimes they can be a lot more expensive so you've got to do a bit of looking around. You can order from hobbycraft online & they're pretty reasonably price & have sales on things like felt quite a lot but they sell 2 types, one is really good, thick craft felt & the other is thin, rough feeling stuff thats really something cheap for kids to mess about with. I tend to get mine from The Range because the one where I live is just down the road from my flat while the hobbycraft is the other side of the city. The prices are good, they have different sized sheets & it's the good thick, soft stuff. I, personally, haven't bought much craft stuff online because I have always lived in places with a fair few craft shops but, as with everything, I think it would be best to really look around before you buy & don't buy in bulk right off. There are a lot of craft shops (even just small ones) that sell online so it would probably be worth trying one of them over ebay. I think with this sort of stuff it's always best to go to the shop & then you know exactly what you're getting. Even charity shops sometimes have unwanted craft items & scraps. If you're gonna go for buying online it would be best to buy in bulk, then you're not paying 3 times as much as you did on the felt just to get it sent to you.

Hope this helped Happy

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Hi, Do you have a 'Remnant Kings' where you live? I'm not sure if it' just a Scottish chain. They have 12" squares of felt in a really big range of colours. 70p each. I've just checked and they do have a website with the felt on it.

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yea, i'm from scotland to jacqueline and there is a remnant kings in glasgow near me.
i'll have to check that out! i was in there last weekend but didn't see any then!

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