Are you a minimalist or a clutter nutter?

54 replies since 17th November 2007 • Last reply 17th November 2007

I am so cluttered

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I'm a miminalist person.

I can't stand clutter, but my mom gave me such a small bedroom that everything is usually seen as a mess. I literally have to wreck my room completely each time before I clean it and that's typically everyday.

I throw away as much as I can to get rid of clutter.
It makes me feel gross for some reason ahaha

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My room is full of clutter, and it's gradually spilling out to the landing at the top of my stairs as well.
I blame it on the fact that I'm in the attic room, so I have no room for cupboards. And I've got no room for a proper bed so I've got a futon, which means there's no space underneath it for me to shove things under it haha.

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me and my boy have loads under our bed. Since we moved in together, my mess has met his mess.


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My boyfriend keeps literally everything under his bed. I wondered how he kept his room so neat and tidy until I looked under his bes and found it was crammed full with pretty much everything he owns beside clothes haha. Most of it is stuff he doesn't even use anymore, like some huge asthma pump thing, which serves no purpose as he doesn't even have asthma anymore! Haha.

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Used to be a clutter nutter. But then I put everything in a place. So I have a ton of stuff, all packed in my small studio room. But I keep getting more and using stuff so I have to keep rearranging stuff.

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me too, I am always rearanging

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Definitely a minimalist...I go nuts when my room is cluttered... It just makes me feel like the rest of my life is cluttered then. i just think thats due to the fact that my family is very cluttered, and i always hated it.

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I AM SO FRIGGIN HORRIBLE! Seriously. I'll find something on the street that is out of the ordinary, and I'll think "OHH, I could use that", and thats what most of my junk is. I'll start making something, then I'll stop and move on to another project, then stop THAT ONE and move to another project, all the while I havn't cleaned up. So needless to say, a once-organized beautiful room becomes 4 incredibly messy rooms. Happy I'm okay with it, but I live with my mother [I'm only 17, lol] and it does actually work for me.

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shhh i am a clutter nutter in certain areas of my house...and a minimalist in other areas in the house....weird huh!

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