Lots of Pinterest ideas showing up here...

I've seen many ideas on here that are originally from Pinterest.

I'm not sure if I should be annoyed that most people on here don't give credit to the original idea,

or be fairly happy that a good idea is being spread...

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9 replies since 2nd August 2013 • Last reply 2nd August 2013

In all fairness, how can people give credit to an idea from pinterest, when the pinterest idea could very well have come from someone else originally anyway? A lot of the crafts on the site have been done many many times over, for many years so attempting to find the original person who had the original idea would be akin to finding a needle in a haystack. Furthermore who is to say that the actual personal who created the idea in the first place, never even put it on the internet in the first place, but someone else stole it and put it on thereby stealing their idea and getting the glory? Although as much as possible its great to give people credit for their work, but you have no proof that it was their little brain that came up with it first.

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Actually I find the opposite, a lot of CO&K projects are ending up on Pinterest. What bother's me is that twice last month someone posted a tutorial (pictures and all) that they stole from a bridal website. And both times the person posted several other projects in the same day, which leads me to believe none of them are actually theirs.

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There's also a lot of duplicates of projects which were popular a couple of years ago. Some of them were even featured and have then been featured again but by different people. I know that is probably totally innocent but people probably need to check before uploading a how to or creation to see if its already on the site.
On the issue of people adding projects from pinterest there is the option to say whether you've made a project inspired by something else online. Its not good though if someone is knowingly stealing someones idea and pics and posting them as their own.

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I'm pretty sure I know which user you're talking about, Pink Weeds. And I've seen at least one person on here who simply copies and pastes tutorials from other people's websites without giving credit.

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I have seen some with photos directly taken from Pinterest.
Also, if it ends up on Pinterest, it's just like a bulletin board. People don't really show it off as their own (at least I think it works that way...correct me if I'm wrong), whereas here it's assumed that your uploads are your own creations

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I've also seen some projects that have been stolen, though it was taken down soon afterwards. With regard to Pintrest, however, I know that a number of my projects are scattered across various boards; sometimes linking back to CO+K, but sometimes linking to my own blog. Though I'm not sure how many CO+Kers host there projects elsewhere, too.

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I get a lot of ideas from Pinterest and I think that it's great there is a place like that. When uploading Pinterest-inspired projects, I always try to credit the person the link leads me to or at least show that it wasn't my idea ('I got this from Pinterest'). I don't think there is a problem with people pinning other people's projects - because there's linking settings. I mean, most of the time you need to follow the link to get the how-to. But sometimes people make a collage of steps as a whole and that gets stolen a lot.
Nevertheless, I don't mind having projects from Pinterest on here since, as already mentioned, oftentimes people don't reinvent the wheel anyway and it doesn't matter.

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I've made mistakes. One I've tried to fix (version logged as creation) and one I removed. Never intentional, just either could not find it under the title researched or over enthusiastic.

I think it would be very appropriate to have a moderator extend a very gentle reminder about pictures. Or supply a missing link to "Versions" (if it's from this site). I would hope someone would do that for me if I had anything on here that was considered questionable!

I prefer to think that people are honest and just confused. What is the benefit to putting stolen pictures here? It's not like we're paid...lol!

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I don't know much about pinterest, but I do post at my other 3 sites. Bedside I don't have anything anyone would want anyway. Good luck with the pinterest cookie cutter crafters.

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