Tattoos & Piercing

319 replies since 10th October 2007 • Last reply 10th October 2007

It was horrible for me. I even fainted. :|

But yes, the pain stops after a few seconds. It's just that right moment when the needle pierces your nose, it's HORRIBLE.

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it makes a crunching noise doesn't it? YUM.

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yeh cuz its carteligde...probably

I had my lip peirced once, that lasted a month lol, but he couldn't get the needle in right, fainted a few moments after lol

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Is there are mark left from having your lip pierced?

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I also love smiley piercings. I will probably get one.

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I had my lip piercing in 48hrs about and I have a scar, only small but you can see it and he didn't do it in the right place!

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got pearced lips and nose- septum. and tongue/
i want some tatos but cant decide where/and what.

Haley B/ like ur tattos ;d

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I have your basic lobe piercings, stretched to 0g, a second lobe piercing, both of my tragus, my left rook, and one on the top of each ear. I plan on getting both my conchs done, so after they heal, I can do a tragus-to-conch industrial. I wanted a lip piercing for a long time, but see them everywhere these days. I'm going to wait until they aren't quite so trendy, and people start taking them out. I'm sure it'll happen. Afterall, almost all of my friends had their tongues pierced years and years ago, and now only one of them has one (and she's the one who waited until they became un-trendy again).

I have two tattoos. One is on my lower back (a tramp stamp, as they're often called) of a shamrock, my dad's birth year and death year, and the word "Athair" (Gaelic for father). I have three turquoise stars with lime green stardust on the top of my right foot. I plan on getting orange stars with pink stardust on my other foot. Also, an artist is working on a Sailor Jerry styly pinup girl who will be sewing my arm onto my shoulder.

My mom has 5 tattoos, and my dad used to have about 9 tattoos (though he only had two when he died ... he was sleeved to cover up some 2 regrettable ones he got as a teenager, and he didn't really mind the sleeve to cover up the others), so I've grown up around body art, and have always wanted some. My dad's first 7 tattoos were black and grey. Some of my earliest crafty memories were coloring in his tattoos with markers!

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I have 4 on my ears and i have my septum done.

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My parents hate tattoos and piercings, so they're really funny with me getting them done. But I'm planning on visiting Cardiff again in the next couple of weeks and getting my other earlobe done (I have two on my right but none on my left), then after I want to get another on my right. Don't know what after that, I want my lip and back of my neck done but think the parentals might shoot me. Maybe cartlidge, if I'm feeling brave

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My mum is like 'please don't get more tattoos' but I can do it if I want, my dad can't say anything because he's covered although he did say 'don't get anyones name though' and my boyfriend doesn't really like them but said he wanted a cricket one or a lyric or something but I'll do what I like!

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Knittin' Kitten, if you like the look, get your tragus ... it's a fun piercing to play with! And barely painful at all.

Also, anybody who is getting their ears pierced (even if it is just your lobes):
Go to a piercing or tattoo shop! Forget the mall! I've had three done with a gun at the mall, and then two of those re-done with a needle at a tattoo shop, as well as three additional piercings done at a shop with a needle. I'm a weenie when it comes to pain, and when they do it with a needle instead of a gun, it's much less painful! The guns put added stress to the piercing, causing them to hurt more and swell more. Plus, the guns can't be properly sterilized since they have plastic bits, they only sterilize the very dull jewelery that is shot through your ear.

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The gun is so painful isn't it?! I got the top of my ear done with a gun over 12years ago and it has never healed up properly!

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I've had all piercings done with a gun and they've all been fine and they didn't hurt at all really. Just sort of felt a bit hot afterwards, like when you get slapped i guess. Not the slapping feeling, just the hot feeling.

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Yeh I remember the feeling, but for me compared with the needle, it is painful.
I first for my ears done with a gun when I was 3!!!!!! I still to this day remember it, in the jewellers at the back of Tesco, all these old woman giving my mam stabby looks! haha Me screaming the place down. Needless to say my mother learned her lesson and didn't get my lil sisters ears done until she was 11.

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