senstive skin...HELP

its winter, my skin is red, blotchy, scaley and itchy. My face is horrid, my cheeks are a deep pink all the time and my forhead is very dry

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12 replies since 27th November 2008 • Last reply 27th November 2008

Exfoliate and apply a nourishing moisturiser before bed.

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Maybe you should try emulsifying ointment, I have used it before and it works well.

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i heard proactive is good
and also clinique, but mot clinque products are VERY expensive and they contain lead
my mom tried homepathy treatments a while back and although they took a while (3 MONTHS)
they kept the acne off, and it hasnt really returned much!
so give it a try Happy
natural is ALWAYS the way to g!

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There are a few massage oils which are good on the face; from memory I think they are wheatgerm, advocardo and evening primrose oil. You might want to double check that but also spending about 10 minutes massaging your face will be good for your skin. It will help loosen dead skin cells, improve the circulation and help your skin to absorb the oil.

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Apparently honey is meant to be good too. You coat your face about once a week and leave it on about half an hour. I'm trying to find where I read it but I think thats right. Its meant to make your skin really soft.

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I heard that too

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Honey really is great for the skin, it does make it soft. Plus, you don't need to mix it with anything, so it's super easy and fast.
You just have to avoid the temptation of licking off all of it around your mouth ;)

And it's also great for your hair, leaves it soft and shiny!
I love honey Happy

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I usually put some toner in my hands (after cleansing my face) and pat my face gently 3 x your age (in my case 3 x 20 = 60). It insures all the moisture is in my skin Happy

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the greatest thing for your skin is supposed to be Waitrose "Baby Bottom Butter" from the baby section at Waitrose. It contains camomile and lots of other ingredients and is said to make your skin as soft as....well, as soft as a baby's bottom! I can't get it here, but I'm trying to get someone from England to send me some. people who have used it say it's marvellous.

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Oh gosh, I know the feeling!

After discovering that my skin seems to like more natural products opposed over-the-counter ones.

This winter, I used this little recipe to help keep my skin smooth and moisturized:
1 cup of white sugar
2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup of green tea

Just fix all of that together into a scrub (the amouts are generalized, and I don't really ever do things EXACT, so sometimes it's more of a slush) and after a shower, while your pores are open, gently scrub your face with it, then wash it off.

The sugar is a very gental exfolitant, the olive oil helps moisturize, and the green tea (being a green tea freak, I sometimes use more then 1/4 cup, heh) helps soothe away redness, irritation and also helps moisturize.

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i do have very sensitive skin as well, but apart from drinking a lot, i found a Lush lotion that's really helping my skin to become well again!
i'll have a look what it's called...but it really helps, i never thought it would help at all, but it does Happy

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You can daily moisterize your skin with coca butter. I know I've had this problem during the winter as well. Clean your face before bed to avoid oily skin or acne as well.
Hope this helps!

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