what's your beauty tip?

25 replies since 18th October 2008 • Last reply 18th October 2008

Heather.. I have always been afraid of putting cream on my face because it would make sence (in my head anyways) that the oils would make zits..but I have never actually tried, does the olive oil do that? I might try it, how much do you use, like a couple drops?

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My tips and things I do are more cosmetic-y than face creams and stuff because if I do much more than the standard cleanse, tone moisturize then I go all spotty.
Putting a tiny bit of black eyeliner on the upper inner corners of my eyes but only in the inside bit, not on my eyelid. It makes my eyes look loads bigger Happy Oh and I always, always keep make-up remover wipes by my bed so I have no excuse for not taking my make up off. Happy)

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My tip
is drinking truck loads of water (i know i KNOW its so common, but really, i rarly get any pimples)
and also
iput on lemon on my face when im going through a period of stress to prevent them from coming out and it give my face an overall glow to the skin (its a bit irratating on the skin)
annd finally
i exfoliance with honey and aspin, or if the honey has crystalized, then with the honey sugar Happy
it makes my face like baby-butt soft!

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Drink lotsa water Happy

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As far as makeup goes...I get all my tutorials on youtube. And I may as well be a friggin makeup artist now.

But if you're on the go....lip gloss and mascara can go a LONG way...

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I like to brush white eyeshadow on the inner corners of my eyes, and line the first quarter of my lower lash line with either the same shadow or a white liner. It makes me look so bright eyed.

My number one beauty item (that I cannot live without) is my eyebrow pencil, which is really just a dark brown eyeliner. I look a million times better with defined, darker eyebrows, but that may not work for everyone.

I've also started moisturizing my face with Aloe Vera Gel (from a big bottle, not the plant). I break out like crazy, but this has moisturized my skin AND no massive breakouts so far. Sooo much better than the $30-$40 moisturizers I've used.

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I drink lot of water..

Once a week I use Avon's own face mask, it's not one of them chemical peeling ones (I refuse to use them!!) you rub it on like face wash, leave it on for 6 minutes (it'll tighten your skin a little) then wash it off again, it smooths my face like you wouldn't believe!! I don't think they sell it anymore though... it's a bit like this one http://avonshop.co.uk/shop/product.asp?pf_id=31463&from=search&find_spec=face mask&pagenum=3 but an Avon own brand!!

Then I moisturise with either Dove cream... or an Avon cream.

I wouldn't mind using something a bit more natural. I don't get many spots but I still get one or two occassionally. Might use more Aloe Vera based products!!

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You don't need expensive make up remover for getting all that make up off! just use some olive oil and rub softly, and then wipe off with a hot towel and wash with your normal cleanser! the olive oil is good for your skin, and doesn't have harmful stuff that make up remover may have in it Happy easy peasy

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This might sound crazy, I use elmers glue as a facial peel every two- three weeks.

I learned this from youtube not to long ago that if you do the aspirin face mask use an electronic tooth brush as a face scrubber.

As for make-up removers, I do love using home made stuff, but I find that baby shampoo works just as much and is very cheap.

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im gonna try the elmers glue facial peel!! i use to put that stuff on my legs... for fun but it probly did something good for me!

my tip(s) are..!!
1.i use a&d on my face , the stuff used for scars or burns, the a&d just puts life into my skinand tightins it! but you must remeber to wash it off really good in the morning cuz it just feels like cakey sweat. it works on the lips to!!

2.leave the middle of your lower lashline free of eyeliner when you were it.. it will make your eyes look bigger if you do it right

i love this thread so much!

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