
Come behind the scenes at Magical Daydream and see Mariëlle's craft space in her student room in The Netherlands.

That it's a good reflection of who I am. It shows that I like to make things and love colour, what inspires me, what I like to make time for and also gives me a space to sit back, relax and daydream. I managed to create a space for myself that makes me feel comfortable and inspired.

Tell us about your space

I share my apartment with 3 others (students). So my space is a bedroom, living room, dining space, craft room and studio in one. These days I work mostly behind my desk on my creative blog (magicaldaydream.com). Sometimes I also paint, sew, craft, draw and play in my space.

What have you done to make your space cosy, beautiful or inspiring?

Although most of my furniture are old hand-downs I got for free, I bought a golden chair that I had set my heart on. Also I built my own turquoise craft cabinet. I love surrounding myself with happy colourful things, like my paintings, posters, hanging origami cranes, inspiring books and a crochet blanket I picked up in Bali.

How do you keep organized?

This year I did a major tidying project in which I got rid of probably about one third of everything I own. Then I gave everything a designated place, and make sure I put objects back in the place where they belong. Marie Kondo's book 'The life-changing magic of tidying up' is a great read to get you started.

Any tips & tricks for organising supplies?

I keep all my supplies in one place: a turquoise craft cabinet I built myself. The great thing of making your own, is that you can tailor your storage space to your specific wishes. I have lots of tiny drawers for fun craft supplies, but also a huge flat space behind the drawers where I can store an enormous file for large drawings. I store my acrylic paints on a shelve that doubles as a wooden basket which you can take out, so I can easily bring it with me to other locations as well.

Which are your favourite possessions and are there any of your own creations on display?

Most of what is on display in my room are my own creations. I painted all the canvasses that are on my wall. The wall behind my couch features a collection of posters containing 1001 ideas for a creative, playful and happy life, which I designed and sell on my blog:http://www.magicaldaydream.com/go/1001ideas
And then there is my latest creation: my craft cabinet, which I am absolutely in love with.

How do you organise your inspiration and ideas?

I love keeping lists, and writing down ideas on paper. I have notebooks for practically everything. For example, I have a big notebook on everything blog related. I have a notebook for gathering inspiration and projects I love, one for boosting my confidence, one for random new ideas, and the list goes on. Strangely enough I like to keep them separated: a different notebook for different purposes.

Where do you look for inspiration?

I read a lot, half an hour each day, first thing in the morning. I think it's a good way to continuously expose yourself to new thoughts and ideas. Other than that I love good documentaries about inspiring people, the process of making or anything weird really, and listening to podcasts from creative entrepreneurs. And honestly, often just taking a break and allowing myself to do nothing or do something fun, sparks my best ideas.

If you had three wishes, what would you do to make it the dream space?

1. Lots of natural light or professional lighting/photo studio space with cool large backdrops.
2. It would be awesome to have a separate studio space outside of my home, while sharing the building with other creative entrepreneurs.
3. A glitter floor

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