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8 bit party...just take notes!!
This party was for a friend of mine who works with me and loves videogames, his first favorite, Legend of Zelda, the second is the usual: PACMAN. I mixed both ideas and used post its to make 8 bit figures... turned out well =D. The purple one was a little leaned... but try to do this type of figures against the clock LOL! The most complicated thing was to make the triforce logo... tons of post its, but as well the most striking!! It took me a lot just because I did all the figures alone, my co-workers were supposed to help me, but we had to change the plan in the last minute, if you get help to make the figures, it doesn't have to take 3 hours. As you can see in the last picture, after the party, all the post its were reusable, so, we didn't waste anything =D.

Posted by eccemullier from Mexico City, Federal District, Mexico • Published See eccemullier's 89 projects »


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eccemullier · Mexico City, Federal District, MX · 95 projects
yes indeed that made me really happy too :-D. Thank you.
Kitty · Okotoks, Alberta, CA · 18 projects
Awesome! Your friend must have loved it!

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