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"So I'll just run away like Cinderella; I'll scream my love for you then leave you my glass shoe" - "Romeo and Cinderlla" English lyrics from Vocaloid
I was inspired by not the new Cinderella movie, but by a "Dress up like Cinderella" toy. I remember at the end of the commercial advertising this toy the little girl held up a "glass slipper" with a butterfly on it, then my mom commented on how I would "have" that if I was a little girl.
And then I found a beading project in one of my craft books on how to make a glass slipper out of beads. So I did but I colored it, sparkled it and mod posted it. I love how it turned out.

I do not own the new Cinderella movie, it's franchise or the rights to the book: "100 beaded flowers, charms and Trinkets by Amanda Brooke and Murr-Hinson"/the book I got the tutorial from

Posted by Kin Dragon from Denton, Texas, United States • Published See Kin Dragon's 544 projects »


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