The Ultimate DIY Competition

i recently added my project "Lady Gaga Poker Face Dress" to this site, but for some reason, it won't let me add it to the contest. Can you help me?


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4 replies since 29th August 2010 • Last reply 29th August 2010

In order to enter your project into the competition, it has to be a How To.

The second paragraph explains the specific guidelines for a project.

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Wait. Now I'm confused. It may or may not have to be a How-To...

Okay, I have no idea what I'm talking about Happy So I'm going to make a quiet, ninja-like exit, and leave the question answering to people that know what's going on. kthxbai Happy

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I would ask Cat or tom about it

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the guidlines say it has to be a how-to, but actualy there are projects that are just creations entered... this shouldn´t be the problem that it won´t let you enter the contest... maybe it was something technical and you try it again!

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