Do you wear glasses?

I need to wear glasses for driving now, and I am shocked at the price of them. I found out about these online glasses suppliers and at first I was very dubious about them, but I decided to try them out for a spare pair, and I am delighted with them! They are every bit as good as the ones I paid a fortune for at the opticians and a fraction of the price. They supply all kinds including designer brands, and they arrive from Hong Kong in about 10 days.
I have ordered from both these companies and been really happy...check out the prices for yoursel ( or )

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60 replies since 30th April 2010 • Last reply 30th April 2010

Yes, buying online is fantastic for people overseas. If anyone ever travels to asia, pick up your glasses here! Korea has about the cheapest and stylish glasses ever! In Japan, glasses are already cheap, but many japanese travel to Korea and get them there too!

Just a little tip for those ever thinking of visiting Asia *^_^*

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I get my eyes tested at the supermarket's optician, and then take my prescription to a local small opticians who just do lenses and frames. They save money by not needing all the machines and staff for testing, and pass that saving on.

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Yeah,I need glasses for reading and crafting.I cant see if its close and small!Happy
The thing I did is I bought a pair of glasses I liked at the dollar store,punched the glasses out and our local optician put the real glasses in the frame.So that way I sawed a lot of money,because frames are really pricey here.

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Tell me about it!! I wear glasses 24,7,365 and they are expensive! Am actually waiting to hear from the optometrist, coz my new glasses should be ready by now! I'm getting 'plain' lenses - no special coatings or anything coz it works out too much, so I'll just have to be extra careful with them!

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Wish I knew about these sites sooner! Just checked them out and the prices are GREAT! Think I might just order myself a spare pair!

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Yes..I need them 24/7 else I can't see where I'm going. The lenses are the most expensive for me, over €300,- (!!) because the need to make them extra thin. If I don't do that I'll have extremly thick lenses and it would look very Geeky. I had 2 pair of glasses but someone broke one of them and it can't be fixed :-@ And I can't get contact with that person to see if his insurance will cover the costs of a new pair of glasses..

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I need mine for everything too and they cost an absolute fortune. I think it was about £300 for my last pair. They do have a few whistles and bells to make them lighter but thats because I wear them all the time and they give me sinus problems and headaches if I didn't. I also get eczema on my cheeks and behind my ears which gets worse in the summer and if I have heavy glasses (i.e. normal ones). I have tried contacts and do wear them occasionally but I prefer glasses. I love the fact that if something yicky comes on in a film/tv programme I can just whip my glasses off and carry on watching Happy You can't really do that with lens.

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You can get thinner lighter lenses from these site too, and they are still a fraction of the cost.
I'm just about to order a pair of rimless ones from for £15....I paid £200 for the ones I got from the local optician!

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I have to wear them all the time and have them in places all over the house, just in case. I have glasses for every outfit. I have to wear varifocals for most of the time but have lots of single lens prescription ones.
I used to work at an opticians so my optician never overcharges me. A standard frame that a lot of opticians sell for around £60 only cost them about £2. It's usually the cost of lens prescription that bumps the price up.
My varifocals were quite expensive but I got the frames at cost and I got a pair of cherry red retro designer frames for less than half price because an arm was bent and they couldn't sell them. Took them home and used my jewellery expertise on them.
Recently I bought antique Victorian Pince Nez spectacles for £28 and I'm having my prescription fitted to them for £70. Normally it would cost double that for a flat lens. Good to get friendly with the

edit.....I know the frames on line are cheap but be careful as a lot of opticians don't like fitting lenses to them. It's not that they are trying to get you to buy there's it's sometimes the poor quality of the metal or the fitting aroud the lens area that makes it difficult. If you can get them fully made up with prescription on line it would be ok

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Here in Scotland eye tests are free, so you get your prescription, fill in the details and get the glasses fully made up sister got two pairs sent to Spain where she lives. And my friend got a genuine pair of armani glasses from that glassescrafter site for £56. Lots of people I know have been using them for about two years now (well, you know what they say about us thrifty scots...every penny is a prisoner!) We are all delighted with them and just realised how much the opticians have been ripping us off!

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Dragonfly.......have you tried having the lenses of your broken glasses fitted to new frames. It works out a lot cheaper. After thought.......I hope it is the frame that was broken

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Yeah I have to wear glasses for reading, driving and when I go on the computer. I got my eyes tested for free because I was a student, I also got my first pair for free. It just so happened that my aunt works for a different opticians and got me a couple of free spare pairs lol... it is kinda annoying, I don't really wear them that much, but my eyes are hurting now so I might go put them on lol

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I dont wear glasses ( i see fine) ...
But almost everyone in my family & every single one of my friends do. XD lmao
I wonder what that means? o.O

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@ Sheila: The optician recommened that too, but the cheapest frames hey have look really lame. Granny frames I would call them. If I want a frame like the one I had it will cost me at least €129,-. I don't have the money for that right now. I have to wait till I get my holidayfee. But I just want that person to know that he can't just stand on my glasses without consequenses. I'll try to call that person on monday again.

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