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Tashi is a lacy beanie worked with a fingering weight yarn that we can wear all year long.
Tashi is worked circular and from the bottom-up. The rib with cables stitch creates a snug fit.
If you like the beanie more slouchy, repeat chart rounds 27 to 46 three or four times.

Posted by Paula PKL from São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil • Published See Paula PKL's 7 projects »
  • 111719_2F2015-10-27-125951-Tashi_english_281_29.pdf 494 KB [ Download ]
  • Step 1

    Chart’s Written Instructions:
    Chart (ribbing and body):
    ***all rounds will be repeated 11 (12, 13) times.
    Rounds 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 : slm, p1, k4, p2, k2, p1
    Round 3: slm, p1, c4r, p2, k2, p1
    Rounds 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15: slm, p2, k2, p2, k4
    Round 11: slm, p2, k2, p2, c4r
    Round 16: slm, p2, k2, p2, kfb, k2, kfb
    Round 17: slm, p1, k4, p1, (ssk, yo) 3 times
    Rounds 18, 20, 22 and 24: slm, p1, k4, p1, k6
    Rounds 19 and 23: slm, p1, k4, p1, (yo, k2tog) 3 times
    Round 21: slm, p1, c4r, p1, (ssk, yo) 3 times
    Round 25: slm, (ssk, yo) 6 times
    Round 26: slm, k all sts
    Round 27: slm, (yo, k2tog) 3 times, p1, k4, p1
    Round 28, 30, 32 and 34: slm, k6, p1, k4, p1
    Round 29 and 33: slm, (ssk, yo) 3 times, p1, k4, p1
    Round 31: slm, (yo, k2tog) 3 times, p1, c4r, p1
    Round 35: slm, (yo, k2tog) 6 times
    Round 36: slm, k all sts
    Round 37: slm, p1, k4, p1, (ssk, yo) 3 times
    Round 38, 40, 42 and 44: slm, p1, k4, p1, k6
    Round 39 and 43: slm, p1, k4, p1, (yo, k2tog) 3 times
    Round 41: slm, p1, c4r, p1, (ssk, yo) 3 times
    Round 45: slm, (ssk, yo) 6 times
    Round 46: slm, k all sts

  • Step 2

    Decreasing chart:
    ***all rounds will be repeated 11 (12, 13) times.
    Round 1: slm, (yo, k2tog) 3 times, p1, k3, k2tog
    Round 2: slm, k6, p1, k4
    Round 3: slm, (ssk, yo) 3 times, p1, k2, k2tog
    Round 4: slm, k6, p1, k3
    Round 5: slm, (yo, ssk) 3 times, p1, k1, k2tog
    Round 6: slm, k6, p1, k2
    Round 7: slm, (ssk, yo) 3 times, p1, k2tog
    Round 8: slm, k6, p1, k1
    Round 9: slm, (yo, k2tog) 3 times, k2tog
    Round 10: slm, k7
    Round 11: slm, k5, k2tog
    Round 12: slm, k6
    Round 13: slm, c4r, k2tog
    Round 14: slm, k5
    Round 15: slm, k3, k2tog
    Round 16: slm, k4
    Round 17: slm, ssk, k2
    Round 18: remove marker, cdd

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leeanne c.
leeanne c.
great work...
Square 2019 12 15 221051 img 0513%2b2

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