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Like your favorite Mile Davis album...
You know how the tailor's kids never have shoes? Well, this crafter never seems to be able to make warm pretties for herself. This year i decided to change all that. I found two lovely balls of variegated worsted weight that almost match. With those two balls of coordinating yarn I made a beret and fingerless mitts.

The patterns, as always can be found on Ravelry
Beret: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/slouch-hat-w262
Fingerless mitts: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/owl-mitts

I am not 100% pleased with how the cabling turned out on one of the mitts (I swear I followed the directions too!) so, I may pull out the bind off row, go back and rework it. I also didn't make the seed stitch tab for the beret (I didn't see the point, really).

Posted by parachles from Bellingham, Washington, United States • Published See parachles's 10 projects »

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