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Brighten up old plant pots with lovely fabric scraps.
I picked up some reduced price, slightly damaged terracotta pots from a local store and decided to pretty them up with fabric as I am trying to use up some of my fabric scraps. These pots make great presents. I did some big ones for Christmas and filled them with things like gardening gloves and seeds. You can choose fabrics that all match each other or have a real mish-mash depending on the look you want,

Posted by Delicate Stitches from Powfoot, Scotland, United Kingdom • Published See Delicate Stitches's 56 projects »
  • How to sew a fabric planter. Fabulous Fabric Collaged Plant Pots - Step 1
    Step 1

    Prepare your terracotta pot by painting it with a watered down PVA solution.

    NB: This works best with terracotta pots, you could use plastic but you'd need a different glue. Terracotta and fabric work well together as they can both 'breathe.'

  • Step 2

    Your pot will dry very quickly but while you're waiting you can prepare your fabric scraps, cutting them into suitable sized pieces.

  • How to sew a fabric planter. Fabulous Fabric Collaged Plant Pots - Step 3
    Step 3

    Using PVA glue collage your fabric scraps onto your pot. PVA dries clear so I like to use more rather than less!

  • How to sew a fabric planter. Fabulous Fabric Collaged Plant Pots - Step 4
    Step 4

    I like to overlap my fabrics over the rim of the pot so that when it's planted up all you can see is the fabric surface.

  • How to sew a fabric planter. Fabulous Fabric Collaged Plant Pots - Step 5
    Step 5

    You could also add a ribbon to finish it off...

  • How to sew a fabric planter. Fabulous Fabric Collaged Plant Pots - Step 6
    Step 6

    To finish off, coat the whole pot with a layer of PVA. Let it dry and then plant it up.

    PVA is water soluble so these pots are for indoor use only!

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