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A simple sewing tutorial with amazing results!
Hey Everyone! Today I decided I would make a really awesome tote bag that a beginner Sewer can do, that looks like something you purchased at a store. This DIY cost me next to nothing and I am so pleased with it. So let's get started!

Posted by theDIYdiary from Guelph, Ontario, Canada • Published See theDIYdiary's 7 projects »
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  • How to make a tote bag. Diy Tote Bag - Step 1
    Step 1

    Start by measuring out and cutting your fabric. I made my bag with the following measurements:
    Cotton: 14.5" x 14.5" (x2)
    Pleather: 6" x 14.5" (x2) & 3" x 22" (x2) < this measurement is up to you as it's your straps.

  • How to make a tote bag. Diy Tote Bag - Step 2
    Step 2

    Take your cotton and fold over twice to hide the raw edge and pin it flat to the pleather. I recommend avoiding folding the pleather as it doesn't sit nicely. Sew the two together, repeating for both sides.

    Put your "right" sides together and sew down the two sides and the bottom. Do this is one stitch and back-stitch the beginning and ending of your seam. To pivot around corners, make sure your needle is down, lift your foot and rotate the fabric.

  • How to make a tote bag. Diy Tote Bag - Step 3
    Step 3

    This is an option step, but I suggest it for the longevity of your bag. Take a pair of pinking shears and cut along your cotton fabric. This will help with fraying, as the fabric isn't able to pull as badly.

  • How to make a tote bag. Diy Tote Bag - Step 4
    Step 4

    Take your opening of your bag and fold in twice and pin. I did .5" fold each time, however this is again up to you. Make sure to hide the raw edge. Once you have it where you'd like it, sew it up. Most sewing machines you can remove the front. This will allow you to slip the bag over the machine and sew in a straight line, making your life a lot easier.

  • How to make a tote bag. Diy Tote Bag - Step 5
    Step 5

    Take your straps and fold in half. Because the pleather doesn't fray you don't have to worry about it fraying. Sew along the edge. I lined up my foot right against the edge of my fabric. I did the same thing to the other side of the strap to make it even and for the straps to sit nicely. This isn't necessary but I like the look of it.

    Once your straps are sewn, attach them to your bag. I didn't have a means to where I placed them, I simply pinned them and held the bag. I adjusted them until I liked the way the bag sit.

    And you're finished! I hope you enjoy this tote bag as much as I do!

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