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2 mins

oh cats, oh cats! How you decorate my wall! lol!
Really simple and easy project, get some fabric, mod podge and something to use to adhere the fabric to! i used a piece of plastic canvas.(the kind that you usually paint on. They were only $1 for a pack of three smaller flatter ones..so why the heck not?You can use a piece of cardboard as well or anything really) Tuck in the back corners and mod podge it on. I just need a ribbon in either to hang it on the wall now! :D

now you got yourself a pretty snazzy wall decor and all for next to nothing! I bet you have lots of fabric at home that you are just itching to use up.

I am going to try one with scrap fabrics and see how that turns out! :D

Posted by Penny F. from North Bay, Ontario, Canada • Published See Penny F.'s 17 projects »

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