
I really like books with a little bit of everything: Wisdom, humor, love, happiness, sorrow...
I was wondering what are some good books like that?
(No fantasy books please.)

Some of my favorite books are: Eat Pray Love, Phantom Of The Opera, Soul Surfer, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, Warm Bodies, Water For Elephants, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea, The bible.

I hope that gives you a good idea.


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4 replies since 24th March 2013 • Last reply 24th March 2013

Have you read A thousand splendid sun. .??? Or ....Kite runner??

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"In His Steps" from Charles M. Sheldon. It's a Christian story and worth reading it.

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My absolute favorite book ever in the world (so far) is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I love all of his books, they are the perfect mix of intelligence, humor, seriousness, and amazing writing. Be warned though, if you read this you will probably cry for 2 weeks straight after you're done

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No fantasy D:

I really like Sold and Purple Heart by Patricia McCormick. Sold is about a young Nepalese girl from a rural community sold into prostitution in India. I never really thought about human trafficking until reading that book. It isn't so much the story but the way the author makes you want to learn more and do your own research and figure out how you can help expose the problematic business of human trafficking that I find it great.

I remember reading someone complaining about the 'American Hero' perspective of the story, since the characters tended to see Americans as their saviors for trying to sneak condoms and other forms of birth control to the prostitutes if they couldn't take them away all together, but...since it's the media that the girls are exposed to while at the brothel making them see Americans as the way they are, and since it's in the perspective of a young girl who only knows so much because of the world she's been forced into, I find the portrayal accurate.

Purple Heart is about a soldier who wakes up injured with slight amnesia in Iraq, and the internal conflicts he faces with the robotic life of a soldier, as well as having the natural human impulses to be compassionate and having emotions (having met and become friends with some of the local children in the place he was stationed at before the disaster that caused his injuries).

If you like Phantom, Sherlock Holmes is also great (is it weird, as much as I like the new adaptations for it, I love the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories and Jeremy Brett tv show versions of it more?)!

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