Posts by HotPinkCrayola

    My blog is has regular free crochet amigurumi patterns Happy

    Both your sites are cute Happy

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    Ah possibly - thanks, hadn't thought of that. Just seemed odd that it was on multiple projects.

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    This woman takes you through making amigurumi step by step, she's great

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    Hiya all

    I've noticed recently that I'll get a notification saying 'so-and-so has favourited x project', but when I have a look at the project it's not registered it (eg - one project claims to have three faves, and I've had notifications for 5 or 6, another shows 0 faves and I've just had a notification through for it's first fave).

    Is anyone else having the same issue and if so does it eventually fix itself? How do I report it if I need to?

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    Mine changes between The Ruthmobile (based on my name IRL) and The Eeyoremobile (because she has an Eeyore ariel topper).

    She's a silver KA and I luff her Happy

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    HotPinkCrayola isn't actually what I started out as. I was Buzz for years until I decided to get a lot more girly ('cos offline I'm very girly, but Buzz sounds manly). I chose 'Crayola' for one site because I love art and it sounded cute. But the next few sites I signed up to already had a Crayola, so I added my favourite colour to the front after a flash of inspiration when joining XBox Live. It stuck Happy

    I do sometimes worry people read it like I'm saying I'm Hot. I'm not, I just like Hot Pink!

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    I'm considering making a crochet blog, but I think I need to get better first, maybe start making some patterns so that I have something to entice readers.

    I've been listing all these blogs so I'm off for a gander now! This is exactly what I came to ask Happy

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    Huddersfield got next to nothing. I was really disappointed! My far flung friends got loads. Although it's meant to snow heavily tomorrow night, so fingers crossed lol.

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    It'd be nice if we could submit tags for approval. I've made fan inspired stuff like my Discworld Luggage that couldn't be tagged because it's not in the list.

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    Hi all

    I want to make some of these fab comic book shoes that keep popping up on the site, but I've not been able to find Outdoor Mod Podge at a price I can afford (*sniff sniff* I ish poooooor!).

    Does anyone know of a cheap alternative I can use? Alternatively, does the generic Mod Podge work ok for regular wear does anyone know? I can haunt Ebay if so!!

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