Vilnius Vilnius County Lithuania 48 projects

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We head to Lithuania to meet CountessAudronasha who's latest passion is sewing Lolita style clothes.


Featured Member Interview

How did you find CO+K and why did you join?

I was searching on the net for some tutorials and came upon this site. It had so many interesting projects, that I just had to join. Not to mention the possibility to share your own ideas and creations:)

What projects are you currently working on?

I'm working on Lolita style projects right now. As I mentioned, it's my latest passion so I have a lot of thing in my mind: JSK, skirt, hair bows, cuffs, sweet jewelry, mini top hats :) The Lolita skirt is first in line.


February 11, 2011
Vilnius, Vilnius County, Lithuania
Featured Projects
2447 times

1 2

What does your craft space look like?

See above!

Which tool or craft supply do you use the most?

Glue gun and sewing machine is my most usable tools. I look for craft supplies at the local craft stores and charity shops.

What do you craft along to?

I like to have a neutral, not to distracting background Like The Cure, HIM, David Bowie, RHCP. Sometimes I like to work in silence to. Crafting is lake meditation to me.

Favorite Craft

I enjoy sewing, cooking, jewelry making and constructing. I love to sew Lolita style clothes, that's my latest passion. And what Lolita don't like tasty treats so I love to search for good and simple recipes. Cupcakes are my favorite ones. And I also love constructing. I try to never throw away something old or boring. I just keep it in a special bag or at least take the cool details off for the time I'll have an idea how to brig it to a new life.

Audronasha's Top Crafts

If you could learn one new craft or make anything, what would it be?

Well, I always wanted to learn how to draw. I'm not bad at it but neither perfect. I know that practice is sometimes all it takes, but I guess I'm to lazy for that. But I really wish I could make sketches of my project just as I see them in my mind.

Who are your crafting heroes?

I don't really have any or I have a lot. They are creative people who's project have inspired me. So it's everyone on my favorite project list :D