One day, I walked into a sewing store and got roped (or yarn'd) into the crafts. To date, I've made a pair of PJ pants, tailored a pair of khakis into skinny jeans (or skinny khakis) and I am currently learning to knit (a scarf). I'm 18-going-on-19 and I live in Bright City, Greater Luna Bay. I'm a freshman in college and I may just get myself into a costume-making class.... ;)
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- commented on their comment Update: Okay, I'm a boy--rough and tumble boy who happens to like sewing. Anyway, I ripped the pants in several places because we started jumping around on coaches and whatnot... But I'm going to redo them with JEANS as they were intended. But I found ... to Skinny Jeans 25 Jan 20:42
- commented on their comment I tried it and as a novice it was sooo easy and fast! I messed up on the left leg (my foot wouldnt go all the way through because I have some big feet -eyeroll- but it took 55 mins (timed). Tip:I found that it was good if I sat down and used pins t... to Skinny Jeans 24 Jan 19:45
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