DIY Superstar

Threadbare Cloak

Decorate your home with #HomeDIYSuperstar Alana from Threadbare Cloak

Alana Shinn
New Zealand
DIY Blogger

Tell us a bit about your home and what you love about it the most?

Definitely my view! I look out to the ocean one way and to the mountains another. It's paradise.

What was the first DIY project you did to your home or first thing you made for it?

Hmmm that would be painting old cane pot plant holders black. A little coat of paint shot them straight out of the 80's and into this decade! The green foliage against the black I just love.

Do you have any tips for staying tidy & organised?

How I stay tidy and organised is by only having in my home things that have a use or purpose and I get rid of the rest. I may put things in storage if I really love them otherwise it goes to secondhand shops or recycling. This way my home doesn't get cluttered, which I really hate.

If you could tour any celebrities home, who would it be?

That's a hard one, I'm not really sure. Someone super stylish, like Amanda Shadforth from Oracle Fox or Christine Centenera Vogue Editor or Julie Sarinana from Sincerely Jules

If you had three wishes, what changes would you make to your home?

#1 A rustic stone feature wall
#2 Concrete bathroom & kitchen bench
#3 Concrete floor

Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?

I try my hand at all kinds of crafts and DIY projects. I love revamping secondhand clothes. Secondhand shopping would be one of my favorite hobbies; from clothes to furniture, I'm always on the hunt! I love food and therefore have learnt to enjoy cooking. I also love the beach and I spend as much time there as I can.

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Alana Shinn
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