Art Superstar

Pam Ash Designs

Get creative with #ArtSuperstar Pam from Pam Ash Designs

Pam Ash
Longmont, Colorado

Have you always been creative and what’s the earliest work you can remember creating?

I have always loved art of all kinds! My earliest memory is flower collecting and bouquet gathering when I was really little.

What's your studio like and how do you keep organised?

It is a complete mess when I am using it (ALL THE TIME). It gets a once a year purge/re-shuffling of things or tidied for a picture (*tidied=everything shoved in drawers or behind closet doors.) I would love a neater space but I can't throw out art supplies. I will look for something 10 years later!!!

Where do you look for inspiration?

Everywhere! Simple everyday objects take on a complexity when observed closely. I just grab whatever is around me and when I paint it, I am astounded by the detail that even the most simple things take on!

Whats in your pencil case / camera bag?

In my top drawer are packs of mechanical pencils, stamps, headphones, stickers, extra lead, a ricola cough drop, random beads, and a half painted rock. Boring, but true!

Any tips for someone suffering from creative block?

Change of scenery! Go outside and take a nature walk or go to a museum and distract your mind for a while. That or do what I like to call "craft cross training". Try a new hobby for a while and suddenly, the flood gates re-open!

Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?

I love embroidery, papercrafts (such as origami), light sewing, baking, reading, making home made cosmetics, and watching really good comedy.

Pam Ash
  • false Drawing
  • false Painting
  • false Photography
  • false Mixed-Media
  • false Sculpting
  • false Comic / Manga
  • false Installation
  • false
  • false
Home Made Cosmetics

What's your favorite...

TV Show
Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Game of Thrones, Parks and Rec
Beatles, Eagles, Led Zeppelin, Billy Joel, John Mayer, Brett Dennon
Shawshank Redemption
Magazine / Book
Flow Magazine
Norman Rockwell, Vincent Van Gogh, Richard Scary, Naomi Okubo, Alice Lin, Studio Ghibli, I could go on and on
Tool or Product You Couldn't Live Without
My Phone