Sewing Superstar

Merricks Art

Sew along with Merrick from Merricks Art

Merrick White
Huntington Beach, CA
Stay at home mom & Blogger

When did you first start sewing and how did you learn?

I started sewing lessons when I was eleven and have sewn on and off since then. Only in the last year or so have I become really serious about it.

Can you remember the first thing you made?

A silly little sewing tool holder!.

Do you have any favourite pattern designers or celebrity sewers?

No specific ones, but I love watching Project Runway and seeing their amazing creations!

What's your sewing room like and how do you organize your stash?

My sewing room is a cute little room in the third story of my house with a balcony off of it that overlooks Huntington Beach. I reorganize my fabric stash regularly but it always becomes a chaotic mess within a few weeks because I'm always digging through it!

What music/podcasts/TV shows do you love to stitch along to?

My favorite thing is to listen to books on cd while I sew!

Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?

I'm an oil painter and I love to cook, eat, and travel.

Merrick White
  • false Clothes
  • false Bags
  • false Accessories
  • false Toys
  • false Homeware
  • false Blankets / Quilts
  • false
  • false
  • false

What's your favorite...

TV Show
Gilmore Girls
New York City
What's Up Doc?
The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton
Fabric Brand
Sewing accessory or Tool
My serger!