Art Superstar

LadyBug Watercolour

Get creative with #ArtSuperstar Claire from LadyBug Watercolour

Leamington Spa
Video Game Artist

Have you always been creative and what’s the earliest work you can remember creating?

I've always been interested in drawing and painting from a very young age... I enjoyed making a lot of creative mess! As I grew up I started working digitally and realised I could make a career out of painting on my computer, so now I make video game art! I started to miss making art outside of a screen though, and got back in to 'real' painting with watercolour a couple of years ago.

What's your studio like and how do you keep organised?

My studio is currently just my spare room, I have a desk, with a wardrobe which is crammed full of boxes with painting supplies, my paintings, my cards and prints and art books. I'd love to have a proper studio space where I could make a bit more mess and not worry about ruining the carpet!

Where do you look for inspiration?

I love Instagram and Pinterest for inspiration. I also really enjoy visiting gardens for plant and flower ideas. London is one of my favourite cities and I'll never tire of finding inspiration for London landmark painting there too.

Whats in your pencil case / camera bag?

I recently bought a small watercolour travel set, which is great for taking with me to work for some lunchtime painting, or if I go away, so that, alongside a couple of brushes and my Moleskine watercolour pad are great. I also love to use a putty eraser and a 'magic' eraser, which are great for tidying up paintings. Ooh one more thing, masking fluid, I always have that to hand too, it's great for creating fun watercolour paintings.

Any tips for someone suffering from creative block?

Every artist gets creative block sometimes! Often I find I just need a break, and to find some new inspiration, whether that be having a wonder around a local art gallery or shop, browsing on popular Instagram hashtags or just being out and about and finding something new to paint.

Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?

I love to bake and be creative in the kitchen, I also play a lot of video games, given my daytime job, it's sort of required! I live with my husband, 3 cats, 2 ducks, some koi and a tropical tank full of fish, so those guys take up a lot of my time too!

  • false Drawing
  • false Painting
  • false Photography
  • false Mixed-Media
  • false Sculpting
  • false Comic / Manga
  • false Installation
  • false
  • false

What's your favorite...

TV Show
Arctic Monkeys (I'm old!)
San Francisco
Titanic (I've seen it far too many times(
Magazine / Book
Watership Down
Rene Magritte
Tool or Product You Couldn't Live Without
My Winsor & Newton watercolours!