When did you first start crafting and how did you learn?
I have always been crafting, I got my first sewing machine when I was 8, made most of my clothing since about age 10. I taught myself to knit and crochet and embroidery. I was always very creative, I think it was an escape for me.
Can you remember the first thing you made?
Two things come to mind, one was a fireplace for a doll house out of a jello box quite intricate with drawn and colored bricks and a fire made from matchsticks and some red cellophane from packaging...and the other was a gold corduroy jumper with a zipper that I sewed when I was 9. The jumper did not fit me by the time I got it finished.
Where do you look for inspiration?
Nature has always been a big source of inspiration for me. And I love anything to do with babies and children...
What's your craft space like and how do you organize your supplies?
My craft space is alternately very organized and very messy! I have limited space and a large rug loom fills most of the floor space in my craft room.
What music/podcasts/TV shows do you love to craft along to?
I have a TV in my sewing room and will usually either have on an NCIS marathon or put in a movie. Last time I worked in the room I watched The Last of the Mohicans. I save my ipod for traveling...
Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?
I sew, knit, crochet, refinish furniture, weave (on my grandma's rug loom that she sold me for $100 a few years ago), makeover things from thrift stores and auctions (my brother is an auctioneer so I love to go to his auctions). I love photography and would love to have a really nice SLR camera. I garden in the summer, love to decorate my home. And have a darling pug Milo who keeps me busy!